We wanted to let you know that we offer the best German White Garlic around! - We are a small family owned business who loves what we do. Every year we make sure to take great care of our garlic (All Naturally of course) beginning in the fall. Each fall we start by preparing the seed by hand to ensure each seed is good and ready to be planted. Then we have have a "Planting Party" during which we plant 20,000+ seeds. Then, all year long All Year long we make sure to take care of our garlic, checking on its growth and pulling the scapes off at just the right time. In the summer we have a "Harvesting Party". We pull the garlic and sort it to be dried by hand. After the garlic is dried, trimmed, and braided/bagged, we open our business for the season. We know you will love our garlic, And be sure to visit our Photo Gallery and sign our Guest Book below.